
New video by Called to Flag on YouTube

Holy and Anointed One // Incarnation // Worship Flags Dance ft: Claire CALLED TO FLAG
Two weeks ago, I felt inspired to create flags with a specific color combination. I didn’t have a name for them, but the colors resonated deeply within me, even though I couldn’t articulate what they meant.

I asked Holy Spirit to choose a song as I filmed myself dancing with those flags, envisioning them coming to life. For a week, I watched the video, certain God had a message for me. Suddenly, the realization dawned: “It’s Jesus!”

But this revelation came as a surprise. Typically, when I think of Jesus & colors, it’s the color red – a constant reminder of the suffering on the cross. The blood sacrifice, the pain. That’s why red flags hold a special place for me in worship. Raising red flags symbolizes the transformative power of the cross, which sets me free. Jesus breaks every chain, bringing freedom. Yet, my fixation on suffering clouded me to seeing Jesus in other ways within my soul.

A week I spent contemplating these unnamed flags, waiting for God to speak. With a laugh, I realized I hadn’t expected the answer to be “Jesus.” Yet, now it was clear: purple for royalty, indigo for priesthood, and green for life. a beautiful combination reflecting Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life for our redemption.

The blood was the price, washing away our sins. Jesus didn’t just erase sin; he offered us the chance to live as God’s sons and daughters. Clothed in his grace, we become royalty, priests, and inheritors of eternal life.

And then, the unexpected! As I pondered the meaning, Jesus himself named the flags: “Incarnation.” At first, I hesitated, questioning the boldness of the name. But Holy Spirit’s gentle nudge, “Why not?” reminded me to step outside my traditional thinking.

This experience has challenged my preconceived notions, providing me with a new perspective on Jesus. It was a beautiful reminder that He is so much more than just suffering and sacrifice. He is also life, purpose, and our path to redemption.

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